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Search for spare parts

Our online search is fast and easy to use enabling you to find original spare parts for your power tool. Simply enter your tool's type number in the search field. Alternatively, you can also search using the tool name or directly search for the spare part number. Please do not use any numbers located on your tool's packaging.
Your entry must contain a minimum of 7 characters

How can I identify my tool?

You will find the information directly on the tool's name plate. Our tip: Use the 10-digit tool type number when searching, as this is your tool's unique identifier. If the tool's name plate is no longer legible, you can also search using the tool name.
Tool type number

You can find the tool type number on your tool's name plate. It always consists of 10 digits and is the tool's unique identifier.

Tool name

The tool name is written on your tools' housing.